
Behind each story are people God has orchestrated to meet.



My name is Nell. I was born and raised in one of the towns in Toledo, Cebu City, Philippines. I am from a family of 7.

My late husband’s name is June, spelled and pronounced exactly as the 6th month of the year. He was usually called JD by his students and colleagues. He was a city boy from Cebu City, Philippines. He’s from a family of 4.


JD and I met in my first work in Cebu. It was my first job but it wasn’t his first job. Our love story started there in 2004. He was my first boyfriend. I was his last girlfriend. I am the eldest in my family. He’s the youngest. As a book stated, women are from Venus and men are from Mars, to say that JD and I were extremely different is an understatement. However, JD was one persistent and consistent person. No matter what rejections and attitude I gave him, he never gave up. His sincerity, consistency, persistence, and ways to take me to church on Sundays made us closer.



As with many people, we had a lot of ups and downs. I left him to work in China in 2008. He followed me in China in 2009. We married on December 30, 2013. We were blessed with our son who was born on October 7, 2014. Our son was born and raised in Xi’an, China. We always said that he’s God’s marriage gift to us.


JD lost in the battle of life and death on December 28, 2021. He was 40 years old. Our son was 7. I was 39. Life was turned upside down but all the years we built together would not have been built without God. Our differences, pride, values, and life priorities would have not brought us all the years we had had without His Holy Spirit. We grieve for his lost but we can’t forget to be thankful for all the things we had had over the years. That is life.


No one can predict the future.



When I decided to open my heart to someone…many asked, “Why JD?



The truth is in life, many love the idea of having a certain person but not many has the actual maturity to handle the reality of that certain person. JD and I were the ones who had both the immaturity and maturity to handle each other.


他最爱的曲目是由Casting Crowns乐团唱的《我是谁》,而我的最爱曲目是由Gary Valenciano演唱的《战士是个孩子》。基本上,《我是谁》遇到了《战士是个孩子》,剩下的都成了历史。

His ‘go-to’ song was “Who Am I” by Casting Crowns and mine was “The Warrior Is a Child” by Mr. Gary Valenciano.  Basically, “Who Am I” met “The Warrior Is a Child” and the rest was history.

他们说恋爱关系并不总是如预期的那样发展。是的 ,大多数时候,生活总是不尽如人意!JD唯一的愿望是活得比他的父亲更长些,并能看到他的儿子们毕业,过上更好的生活。仅此而已。但这也不是任何人所能期望或希望的,不是通过努力就可以达成的。他的寿命比他祈祷的要短得多。我从未见过他的父亲,但他对他父亲的评价很高。他说因为他父亲,他才变好的。他向我分享了大量的回忆和故事。作为一个曾经被关爱过的儿子,他也同样去关爱自己的儿子。

They say relationships don’t always go as expected. Heck! Life doesn’t go as expected most of the time! JD’s only wish was to outlive his dad and somehow be able to see his sons graduate and live better lives. That too wasn’t something anyone could just expect or wish for; not even worked hard for. His time was over way shorter than he prayed for. I never met his dad but he spoke highly of him. He said he was a better man because of him. He shared tons of memories and stories of him. Being a loved and cared son, that was replicated to his own sons in his ways.


If I could send a letter to him…


Dearest Dad,


It’s been almost two years; 22 months and 3 days to be exact! I have so much to tell you! Do you remember the time when we were in different cities, we were the first ones who were using the blue tooth earpieces and we talked all day and night!? We barely hung up! We woke up and went to bed with them. Now…for almost two years…I got no one to share every up and down….no one to share things with Nigel. Nigel has so much to share with you, too. I’m sure Josh got tons to share with you as well. We have so many things we wanted to do and experience with you.

没有了你的日子,我无法完全描述我的内心、思想和生活。人们常说:“Ang important buhi!”(重要的是活着。)但讽刺的是,这却不适用于我和奈杰。对我们来说,重要的不仅仅是活着……真正重要的是:即使是在岩石、火灾、台风和飓风中,依然要尽情享受生活。是的……在深深的悲痛中也要如此。可笑的是,我完全可以一边笑一边在哭,或是大笑之后大哭,大哭之后大笑。有些日子,我非常好。有些日子,我却非常痛苦和疯狂。是的,有些人可能会说我是精神病房的候选人。我敢肯定,你会说:那是我孩子的妈妈,一个战士!

I can’t fully describe what’s true in my heart, mind, and life in general with this life I am served without you. They say in Cebuano, “Ang importante buhi!” (The important thing is being alive.) Ironically, that’s not true for me and Nigel. The important thing is actually not merely being alive…. the real important thing is living life to the fullest amidst the rocks, fire, typhoon, and hurricane thrown in this so-called life. And yes…amidst deep grief. The funny thing is I can totally say I could laugh and cry at the same time or one after the other. Some days, I’m perfectly fine. Some days are insanely painful and crazy. Yes, some may say I am a definite candidate to be in the mental ward. And I am sure, you’ll say that’s my mommy, the warrior.

你一直认为生活就像游泳。哎,我甚至不会游泳,但我却成为了一名出色的冲浪运动员……我现在真的是 “悲伤冲浪家”。

You always believed that life is like swimming. Heck! I don’t even swim, but I became a great surfer… I’m really an expert at grief wave surfing now.


Nigel told me time went by too fast…Is that good?


It wasn’t once, but twice! They pronounced you dead twice.


On December 17, 2021, we went to the office after sending Nigel to his school. I remember being angry with how you bear whatever physical pain you were feeling. I remember telling you to go to the hospital if you wanted to see your sons grow. We managed to joke with each other on the insurance we had. You kept saying you would go to the hospital after Christmas. I insisted as you were having hard time breathing while working on that day. Little did we both know it was our last day to be physically together. You even managed to walk yourself in the emergency room on your own. I hated the fact that I left to grab a quick dinner for you and Nigel. When I went back to the emergency room, the doctor told me you were in a critical condition and had to be sent to the CCU. I don’t remember a lot from there but I was really angry. I wasn’t sure what was going on. In my mind was, “Why would he be in a critical condition? He is my hulk! He’s strong as a rock.” But I had to pace myself as I was with Nigel. We were not allowed to enter the CCU and you were not allowed to go out. That was our last day to physically be together. We were only able to see and talk with each other through the computer right next to your bed. Again, little did we know we had countable days to have that privilege as well.


On December 21, 2021, we spoke over WeChat video call and you jokingly said, “You’re kicking ass as an ‘InaTay’!” (InaTay ~ Inay(mom) + Tatay(dad) = Dual Parent Role) That made me really angry and teary! Little did I know that was our last talk.



On December 22, 2021, at 1:03 am, you sent “love you mommy” on WeChat. Seconds later, you were in a coma. Your last waking time was used to send that message! The doctor called me saying you were gone in Mandarin. Not only I was lost in translation I was really in a total mess. The doctor was supposed to say you had a heart attack and went to a comatose stage. With the citywide lockdown, I wasn’t even allowed to enter even the gates of the hospital. On a winter dawn, I was screaming, speaking, and begging in both Mandarin and English to let me see you. You know my Mandarin skills only come out when my frustration has gone beyond my limit. I was crying on the road right outside of the hospital’s gate when the head of the hospital came to me to tell me that they were able to resuscitate you, but you were in a coma and that they were sorry that they had to follow the lockdown protocols. I was really devastated to not see you, but I was sadder and more devastated with the fact that you were alone in all these ordeals. There was nothing I could do. No matter how I cry…no matter how many staff went to my aid and to your aid, there was nothing else I could do. I just wanted to stay with you a little longer and hold you a little tighter. Even that wasn’t up to us.


On December 23, I was told about your condition regarding what’s going on in your body. They gave suggestions on what to do from there……I wasn’t sure I totally understood things. I was floating… ‘lost’ wasn’t even a word that could describe how I was then. They scheduled tons of tests and did the needed dialysis. They said there was about 10% chance for you to wake up and a big possibility of being half paralyzed if you woke up. Nigel and I prayed every second for a Christmas miracle. You were moved from the CCU to ICU. Nigel and I were finally able to see you again as they transported you from the CCU to the ICU. We were able to hold you and stay next to you as the transport was taking place. It was really a short time. No one would and could imagine my hulk would be in 10% chance and with that percentage came high possibility of paralysis.



On December 25, I gathered every inch of strength to make the decision to get you to a regular ward to have the chance to be with our family. I always knew you would rather be with the family than be with the doctors in these circumstances. But the system here is totally different, we were not allowed to get you to the regular ward and my constant requests to wear a hazmat and be with you even for a minute were always denied.



On December 26, you were scheduled for an MRI. I took Nigel to the hospital, and we finally were able to see you one more time as they were transporting you from the ICU to the MRI lab and back. You had tears and you were kinda reacting to us specially to Nigel’s singing voice and my touch. Scientifically, the doctor was telling us scientific explanations. But for me and Nigel, that was our last interaction while your heart was still beating.


On December 27, 2021, I visited the hospital alone, but I could only speak with you through the gadget the hospital provided. I was only allowed a 10 minute-talk, but I took the whole day talking with you over the computer on your bed. The calls automatically shut down every 10 minutes and I kept calling again and again. I am sure the busy doctors and nurses were bothered by that, but I was just there …. little did I know it was the last day. I requested to move you to a regular ward again….to no avail. I guess that was the instinct of a woman kicking in. I don’t know if you actually heard me, but I was able to tell you to choose what’s best for you. I told you I would accept whatever it was you chose and that I would do my best as always. A goodbye I only thought I would see on TV and movies. I asked to stay in the hospital, but the doctors told me to go home to Nigel. Yes, Nigel was alone. He had to man up as well.


In the morning of December 28, 2021, I got a call that you had another heart attack and I had to be there if I wanted to be with you, I was really angry with how they said that as if I hadn’t kept on asking to be with you. The city was still on a lockdown…no taxis…no buses…I couldn’t ride a bike…The people we work with, and our friends were not allowed to go out of their communities. No one could drive me to the hospital. I called on an ambulance, but the ambulance nearby was all busy at that time. Someone called the police station. They sent me a police car. I went to the hospital on a police car. The police had to detour few times as there were tons of roadblocks. In the end, you were totally gone when I got to the hospital. My anger and sadness and all the other emotions were all over as I was wearing the hazmat taking the longest, saddest, and the most dreadful walk to meet my love one last time. As I was walking, I even thought of burning the hospital wondering why I was allowed to enter when your heart wasn’t beating anymore. Striding and lifting my heavy feet and heavy heart, I approached your bed…. you were gone…. really gone. I was so sorry for not being with you in your last moments. Not a single tear dropped as I was looking at your body. The doctor was talking, and I couldn’t hear a thing. Anger, and all ill feelings were somehow replaced with all the flashbacks we had since the day we met…. the human brain and heart cope their own ways…all the great memories and the life we shared were the things that won over all my negative emotions.

最重要的是,由于限制,我们之前从未使用过FB messenger……但我感觉到了你……和上帝的同在……那天在菲律宾有强台风,网落信号是断的,原本应该没有人可以用这些社交软件联系到我们,我们也联系不上他们,但是我竟然用手机打通了电话,联系到了所有的亲人和朋友。在把你送入太平间前,让他们和你作最后的道别。我无法解释这一切。另外,有两个陌生人出现,一个护士和一位病人的妻子走近我,给我水,并试图和我说话,安慰我。她们说的是中文,但令人惊讶的是,我竟然能听懂她们说的每一句话。是上帝和你……支持着我。我能感觉到是这样……现实击中了我,眼泪在我的脸颊上流淌。悲伤确实是我们需要为爱付出的代价。

On top of that, we had never used FB and messenger due to the restrictions…. I felt you…and God’s presence…. the messenger calls and other calls to the Philippines went through. I couldn’t explain that. The strangers in the form of the nurse and the other wife of another patient approached me and gave me water and tried to talk with me. They were speaking Chinese and amazingly I understood everything they were saying. It was God and you…. I was picked up. I felt that…reality hit and tears were running on my cheeks. Grief is indeed the price we pay for love.


You left 3 days after Christmas…2 days before our wedding anniversary. I think God and you made it sure it wasn’t Christmas, and it wasn’t our wedding anniversary, ey!


The happiest month in our lives…. became the saddest one. I don’t even remember how I told Nigel you weren’t coming home. But look at us from wherever you are, I’m sure you are proud of all of us. We’re still going to cry from time to time, but you are always in our hearts. The memories and lessons we have shared…. the life we shared…are forever cherished.


We have broken hearts but still grateful hearts for all the years we had had.


You’re a good father….no…you’re a great father to Josh and Nigel.


You made mistakes and worked harder to be the best man, God made you and chose you to be in my life and the father of 2 amazing young men.


You were selfless in giving me your all.


We miss you always. You had done your part. It’s our turn now.



Your wife, best friend, worst enemy, and life partner,




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